#include <iostream> #include "boost/fdstream.hpp" void test_fdostream() { boost::fdostream out(1); // stream with buffer writing to file descriptor 1 out << "31 hexadecimal: " << std::hex << 31 << std::endl; } void test_fdstreams() { boost::fdistream in(0); // stream with buffer reading from file descriptor 0 boost::fdostream out(1); // stream with buffer writing to file descriptor 1 out << "read 20 chars and print them (2 twice due to use of unget())" << std::endl; char c; for (int i=1; i<=20; i++) { // read next character (out of the buffer) in.get(c); // print that character (and flush) out << c << std::flush; // after eight characters, put two characters back into the stream if (i == 8) { in.unget(); in.unget(); } } out << std::endl; } int main() { test_fdostream(); test_fdstreams(); }